• Mar12

    Your Best Plan For Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

    With the ongoing pandemic, you never know what could happen. This invisible disease grips the world as we speak and the only way we can narrowly escape it is to stay home, sanitize regularly, and keep each other safe and healthy. When our work or business requires us to come into the office, however, we […]

  • Commercial Cleaning

    3 Benefits of Commercial Cleaning During the Pandemic

    The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect various aspects of modern life, leading many businesses to face challenges in their operations. Most of them had to transition to a remote structure to serve their customers continuously. Unfortunately, some offices have not adapted to using digital platforms, while others are slowly resuming their in-person services.  If your […]

  • Mar12

    What to Know When Cleaning Restrooms to Prevent COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic that broke out last year is still very much evident around the world today. With countries implementing social distancing guidelines and safety measures, people were forced to adjust to the crisis in their own ways to prevent the further spread of the virus. Now more than ever, maintaining good hygiene is crucial. […]

  • Cleaning And Disinfecting Public Spaces Medicine Hat

    Cleaning And Disinfecting Public Spaces (Covid-19)

    Maintaining the sanitary state of public facilities such as restrooms – be it in offices, parks, and other public places can be challenging with the influx of users going in and out daily. However, the saying that cleanliness is next to godliness is more accurate than ever in this case for public health.  The state […]

  • Covid-19 Areas To Disinfect Often

    Covid-19 – Areas To Disinfect Often

    The Coronavirus disease, more commonly known as COVID-19, has become the biggest problem of this year, spreading internationally at an alarming rate. This pandemic has spread to nearly two million confirmed cases worldwide while racking up a death toll of nearly 120,000. The worsening situation of the world has found a majority of the world’s […]