• Jan30

    What to Know When Cleaning Restrooms to Prevent COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic that broke out last year is still very much evident around the world today. With countries implementing social distancing guidelines and safety measures, people were forced to adjust to the crisis in their own ways to prevent the further spread of the virus. Now more than ever, maintaining good hygiene is crucial. […]

  • Disinfecting your workspace

    What You Need to Know About Disinfecting Your Workspace

    Keeping your workplace clean and disinfected is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity. Ensuring your place is clean guarantees the safety of your employees and clients from COVID-19 and other infections. Along with removing the dirt and debris in your office, you also need to disinfect it as frequently and thoroughly as you […]

  • 4 Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Industrial Space Clean

    4 Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Industrial Space Clean

    Industrial spaces experience constant activity. There is no such thing as peace and quiet in these places, as so many things are occurring simultaneously. For that reason, finding time to clean your warehouse, workshop, or factory can be a lot tougher than you may imagine.  It might get even tougher knowing that you need to […]

  • Jan30

    Disinfecting Your Workplace From COVID-19

    After over a year, the danger of COVID-19 is still a looming threat with the arrival of regional variants worldwide. Although vaccination programs are now launching, that doesn’t mean that we will be safe if we let our guard down. Public places have opened to promote the economy’s bounce back from last year’s economic downturn. […]

  • Why hand washing is your best weapon against Covid-19

    Why Hand Washing Is Your Best Weapon Against Covid-19

    Looking at the way COVID-19 has impacted everyday living, it should come as no surprise that you’ve probably taken a few steps to be more conscious and careful about staying clean. With the average hospital bill for COVID-19 confinement totaling out to a rather hefty fee (about six figures a week) and the virus itself […]